The upcoming TV anime adaptation of Shoutarou Tokunou’s New Game! manga has been featured as a poster in the June 2016 issue of Megami. This issue can be purchased here (get 5% off with coupon code MOE-N3Y-4YW0QK) and you can view the other posters that come bundled in this issue here.
She has also been featured as a poster in the June 2016 issue of NyanType. This issue can be purchased here (get 5% off with coupon code MOE-N3Y-4YW0QK) and you can view the other posters from this issue here.
The anime adaptation of Shoutarou Tokunou’s New Game! manga will start airing this July. In addition, a brand new visual has also been revealed.
The staff consist of:
- Director: Yoshiyuki Fujiwara (Plastic Memories)
- Series Composition: Fumihiko Shimo (Hidan no Aria AA)
- Character Design: Ai Kikuchi (Mikakunin de Shinkoukei)
- Studio: Doga Kobo (Yuru Yuri, Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, GJ-bu)
The website also recently revealed a new visual:
The television anime adaptation of Shoutarou Tokunou’s New Game! manga was revealed to be green-lit in the December issue of Houbunsha’s Manga Time Kirara Charat magazine. The series itself features cute girls working in a video game company, in a similar fashion to Shirobako‘s depiction of working at an anime company.
New Game! is a 4koma manga written and illustrated by Shoutarou Tokunou. The series began in 2013 in Houbunsha’s Manga Time Kirara Carat magazine, where a total of 2 volumes have been published.
New Game! synopsis from MAL:
Follow Aoba Suzukaze, a fresh highschool graduate that is easily mistaken as a middle school student, as she joins the game company that produced her favorite game as a 3D artist and her cute antics in this story told through 4-koma.