Bakumatsu Rock is a brand new anime series which is adapted from the manga Bakumatsu Rock: Howling Soul and is currently airing during the Summer 2014 anime season. The first episode aired today (July 2) and will air until September 17, 2014.
Bakumatsu Rock synopsis from Haruhichan.
The story is set in the Bakumatsu era, at the end of the shoguns’ rule over Japan in the middle of the 19th century. The Tokugawa shogunate uses the brainwashing Heaven’s Songs by the top idols in Shinsengumi to subjugate the country and its people. In this Japan, writing or singing any songs besides the Heaven’s Songs is a capital offense. Sakamoto Ryouma and the other rockers rise up and change the world with rock ‘n’ roll for freedom and justice.
Genres: Music | Producers: Studio Deen, NAS |
Premiere: July 2, 2014 | Airtime (GMT+9): Wednesdays at 23:30 |
Episodes: |
Station: Tokyo MX (MX) |
Join the conversation @bakumatsu069 or #幕末Rock |
Promotional Videos: PV1 |
Will you add Bakumatsu Rock to your watch list this summer?