Barakamon is a new anime series which is adapted from Satsuki Yoshino’s manga. The first episode aired today on July 6 and will have 12 episodes and will continue to air throughout the summer 2014 anime season.
Barakamon synopsis from Haruhichan:
As a punishment for punching a famous Calligrapher, young handsome Calligrapher Handa Seishu is exiled on a small island. As someone who has never lived outside of a city, Handa has to adapt to his new wacky neighbors, like people traveling on a tractor, unwanted visitors who never use the front door, annoying kids using his home as a playground, etc. Can this city guy handle all the crazy hardships? Find out in this wacky island comedy full of innocence and laughter!!!
Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life | Producers: Kinema Citrus |
Premiere: July 5, 2014 | Airtime (GMT+9): Saturdays at 26:20 |
Episodes: 12 |
Station: Nippon TV (NTV) |
Join the conversation @brkmn_anime or #brkmn_anime |
Promotional Videos: PV1, PV2 |
Will you watch Barakamon this summer?