Kyoto Animation’s Twitter account for Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga Shitai! announced on May 27th Nico a cast stream titled ~ Yami no Honou ni daka rete kike ~ Ankoku mis no kai ~ shuu ~ would main cast Maaya Uchida, Chinatsu Akasaka, Sumire Uesaka, and Azumi Asakura from the anime series will make an appearance. While this got fans hoping for a third season, that unfortunately isn’t the case, at least not yet.
It has been announced that a new 3-disc season sets were scheduled for July 13th and August 17th at 27,000 yen (about 242.52 USD) each.
Each collection with include the season’s lite episodes and never before seen shorts, an 84-page booklet featuring character introductions, short stories, collections of visuals/magazine spreads, staff measure, merchandise art, Darkness Notes, and opening and ending production art.
Not previewed yet, retailers will also have incentives in the form of bonuses such as mousepads, tapestries, blocks, drama CDs, and replica art.
A Nico Nico marathon of the first season is also scheduled for July 10th.
●『中二病でも恋がしたい!』と『中二病でも恋がしたい!戀』Blu-ray BOX情報公開!
●第1期ニコニコ生放送一挙放送決定! #chu2koi— 京都アニメーション (@kyoani) May 27, 2016
●『中二病でも恋がしたい!』と『中二病でも恋がしたい!戀』Blu-ray BOX情報公開!
●第1期ニコニコ生放送一挙放送決定! #chu2koi— 『映画 中二病でも恋がしたい!』 (@anime_chu_2) May 27, 2016
●『中二病でも恋がしたい!』と『中二病でも恋がしたい!戀』Blu-ray BOX情報公開!
●第1期ニコニコ生放送一挙放送決定! #chu2koi— 『映画 中二病でも恋がしたい!』 (@anime_chu_2) May 27, 2016
Source: Crunchyroll