A fast 15 years have passed since the first animated Digimon series (Digimon Adventures) aired. In celebration of 15 years of gained and growing popularity, Bandai of Japan and Toei Animation have announced a multitude of Digimon related products to be released.
What is expected from a grand 15 year celebration? Well, Bandai and Toei have revealed a set of items that mostly share a Beelzemon theme. Within this set, you can find yourself:
An incredibly stylish and faithfully reproduced leather jacket that the anti-hero Beelzemon is depicted to wear. This jacket is made out of synthetic leather and polyester quilting material. It also has a detachable furry neck piece. This jacket is priced at ¥108,000 Yen (roughly $1,065.88 USD).
Next item up is a leather card case. This stylish card case is made out of leather that is produced in Italy and has Beelzemon’s emblem pressed on its cover. This case is priced at ¥9180 Yen (roughly $90.60 USD).
There’s also an official Beelzemon t-shirt that is being released with the rest of the items in this set. This simple t-shirt has Beelzemon’s emblem for its decal. This t-shirt is priced at ¥3240 Yen (roughly $31.98 USD).
The last item to be released in this set is a Digimon bar mat. This mat, seen in the picture above alongside the t-shirt, is planned to be priced at ¥3085 Yen (roughly $30.45 USD).
All of the items in this set come together for a whopping ¥123,505 Yen (roughly $1218.90 USD)!
Have you been following Digimon for the past 15 years? If so, are you planning on purchasing any of the 15 year anniversary items planned on being released? Let us know in the comments below.