From the popular SHAFT anime series Monogatari Series, comes this new figure of the donut loving vampire Shinobu Oshino. The figure is based on one of the key visuals from the Kizumonogatari anime, featuring Kiss-shot (Shinobu’s true form) crouched down on her knees in a pose that faithfully preserves the feeling of the original illustration and shows off her lady-like curves as well as the strong determination in her eyes.
The areas that were never visible in the original illustration such as the back of her hair have been very intricately sculpted, and the detailed base she sits upon has been made to look like the surface of water to bring out the atmosphere of the series even more.
Monogatari Series – Kiss Shot Acerola Orion Heart Under Blade 1/8 – Pre-orders are currently available on JList and is scheduled to be released in November 2015.