Shaft, Inc., the animation company behind such works as Bakemonogatari, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Nisekoi and Paniponi Dash!, has entered the age of social media by creating an official presence on Twitter.
The tweet reads: “Good evening. Shaft has officially started on Twitter. Thank you very much for your support.”
シャフト公式ツイッターをはじめました。どうぞよろしくお願い致します。— シャフト (@shaft_official) August 8, 2015
They recently tweeted: “Thank you for everybody who followed. Starting today, we will like to keep you informed on upcoming products, including Comiket products!”
本日より、こちらでもコミケの商品情報をお知らせしていきたいと思います!— シャフト (@shaft_official) August 10, 2015
You can follow the official Shaft Twitter here: @shaft_official
and visit the official website here:
Source: My Game News Flash