Summer 2015 Anime Hashtags


Summer’s here and some of us finally had a break from tedious schoolworks and workload. And the anime industry is here to energize your summer by bringing us an all new line-up for the new season. Here are the list of Summer 2015 anime that will be airing and their hashtags, official Twitter account and websites. These resources will be helpful for sharing and attaining information about these shows. Also, if you would not want to get spoiled from a certain show, muting a hashtag is a piece of cake. (To know how to mute a hashtag, click here.)

Fall 2014 | Winter 2015 | Spring 2015

Summer 2015 Anime Hashtags Header_Haruhichan.com_

Here is a list of the official anime hashtags, official Twitter accounts and websites that I have compiled from long-running shows, Spring leftovers and this Summer 2015 season:


  • In alphabetical order
  • Some of these shows doesn’t have either an official hashtag, an official account or an official website
  • More titles and hashtags will be added without prior notice
  • If there are any series that are not included in the list or if there are any mistakes, please comment below so we can add/change it!

Long-running Series:

* will end on Early Summer 2015

Spring 2015 Leftovers:

* From late Winter 2015

Summer 2015 Shows:

* Late Summer 2015

Several shows don’t have a hashtag, it is preferable to create your own hashtag pertaining to the anime that you are going to talk about. It is much better if you simply use the title of the show without adding symbols (E.g.: For Naruto Shippuuden, you can just use #narutoshippuuden). Or in general, use #Summer2015Anime for this season.

There are more than 100 anime shows to air this Summer 2015! And it is increasing more and more over the years. Out of a hundred, how many shows are you watching this season?