Home Sword Art Online Spin-off Wins the Longest Light Novel Title of 2015 Yuusha ga Shuraba Sugite Sekai wo Sukkuteru Baai Janai Maou no Noroi de Heroine-tachi wo Douji Kouryaku Shinakereba Narimasen

Yuusha ga Shuraba Sugite Sekai wo Sukkuteru Baai Janai Maou no Noroi de Heroine-tachi wo Douji Kouryaku Shinakereba Narimasen

Sword Art Online Spin-off Wins the Longest Light Novel Title of 2015
Koko wa Isekai Konbini Daemon Eleven – Okyakusama, Kaifuku Maho o Kakenagara no Tachiyomi wa Go Enryo Kudasai!

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