Terra Formars Lottery Prizes Include a Michelle Pillow


This March a Terra Formars prize lottery will be launched by Furyu Corporation’s Mini Kuji. The tickets will cost 600 yen ($5) each and are set to go on sale at convenience stores.

Terra Formars Lottery Prizes Include a Michelle Pillow haruhichan.com TerraFormars lottery goods Terra Formars Lottery Prizes Include a Michelle Pillow haruhichan.com lottery goods 2

The lottery has various prizes, including a pillow of Michelle K. Davis showing off her abs. The prizes for playing are as follows:

A Prize A2 TapestryTerra Formars Lottery Prizes Include a Michelle Pillow haruhichan.com Prize A

B Prize jumbo cushion (60cm x 30cm)Terra Formars Lottery Prizes Include a Michelle Pillow haruhichan.com Prize B

C prize sports towel (90cm x 40cm)Terra Formars Lottery Prizes Include a Michelle Pillow haruhichan.com Prize C

D Prize glassesTerra Formars Lottery Prizes Include a Michelle Pillow haruhichan.com Prize D

E Prize charmsTerra Formars Lottery Prizes Include a Michelle Pillow haruhichan.com Prize E

F Prize BandannasTerra Formars Lottery Prizes Include a Michelle Pillow haruhichan.com Prize F

G Prize masking tapeTerra Formars Lottery Prizes Include a Michelle Pillow haruhichan.com Prize G

Source: Crunchyroll, minkuji