26 Copies of Dota 2 for PC (Steam) – Giveaway


I’m back again with another giveaway (Yes I did one in November but I love doing giveaways). I have 26 spare copies of Dota 2 just sitting in my steam invent collecting dust, so I’ve decided to give them away on the blog. Steam has been selling ‘early access‘ for almost $30, so here is your chance to grab one for free!

Dota 2

About Dota 2:

Dota began as a user-made modification for Warcraft 3 and has grown into one of the most played online games in the world. Following in the tradition of Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Team Fortress, Portal, and Alien Swarm, Dota 2 is the result of Valve hiring the community developers who built the mod and giving them the chance to finally build a full product out of their idea with the help of a professional team of developers and artists at Valve.

As for the gameplay, it’s a little hard to describe. The camera is set in the traditional RTS perspective, but it wouldn’t be fair to call Dota an RTS. And while each hero starts at level 1, and many times hits the level cap of 25, it wouldn’t be fair to call it an RPG.

Lots of people have tried to assign various genre names to Dota, but we think Action RTS is probably the most descriptive. And while we don’t spend a lot of time trying to figure out what genre the game is inventing, we can’t stop playing it internally!


Normally I would have people either draw/make me something to enter as a chance to win or email me explaining why they deserve it. This time you have to enter below for a chance to win. Please note this is a game for Steam, I will either trade the winners the game via steam or just send it to them via email, good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway