AGDQ Kicks off to Raise Money for Cancer


Games Done Quick

Games Done Quick is a Bi-Annual gaming marathon where the volunteers play a numerous quantity of games at crazy fast speeds. Each speed runner will play games ranging from Super Mario to Zelda and even Left for Dead. Starting January 3rd and ending January 10th, the games will keep on coming with some scheduled at an early 2:15 am. This event is geared towards raising money for a charity called The Prevent Cancer Foundation, where they focus on prevention and early detection. This AGDQ event has already raised $39,319.49 towards the charity on its first day, and with more days and more speed runs to come, the numbers will continue to add up. Not in Virginia? No worries! Anyone can watch the event and even donate through their Twitch channel and the Games Done Quick website. For a schedule of events, visit the Games Done Quick website and click “Event Information.”

Some of their sponsors of the event are:

You can follow Games Done Quick on Twitter as well as Twitch. You can also visit their website here.