In an alternate world where kids hitting puberty means gaining supernatural powers, anything is possible! The recent anime Charlotte created by Jun Maeda (Angel Beats!, Clannad) burst onto the scene in early July. Exploding with a huge fan base raving about the wonderfully written diverse cast of characters and the famous tragic stories Maeda is well known for. It’s only natural there was an art exhibit at the Akihabara UDX building in Tokyo, Japan. The exhibit went on from August 18th to the 30th featuring original KEY art, story boards, cardboard cut outs, character cosplay, and even served the infamous pizza sauce omurice Ayumi makes. There was a special 1,500 ($12.56 USD) yen tote bag for sale for visitors, however it sold out quickly.
Charlotte is the second anime to be created by KEY, a visual novel developer, following the 2010 release of Angel Beats!.
The official website for Charlotte confirmed that there will be a special unaired episode edition on the final Blu-Ray/DVD of the anime, releasing March 23rd, 2016. If this sounds familiar, that’s because it is. This tactic was also used when Angel Beats!‘ final volume was released, also containing a special never before seen episode.
Below are photos of the event taken by Mikikazu Komatsu.
Source: Crunchyroll