Check out These High Tech Gundam and Hatsune Miku HAKO VISIONs Toys


HAKO VISIONs are candy toys that reproduce projection onto a users smartphone. The franchise Gundam helped kick this off, and now fans of Hatsune Miku can also check them out too! Hatsune Miku plays her concert right in front of your eyes and this is all thanks to the advanced technology world we live in today.

And here’s bonus pictures from the Hatsune Miku HAKO VISION toy.

Hatsune Miku HAKO VISION toy

Hatsune Miku HAKO VISION toy 2 Hatsune Miku HAKO VISION toy  haruhichan  3Hatsune Miku HAKO VISION toy 4

Source: Crunchyroll