The official website for Crayon Shin-chan began streaming a trailer for the 23rd installment in the prodigious series of films on Friday. The movie will be titled Crayon Shin-chan Movie 23: Ora no Hikkoshi Monogatari – Saboten Daisuugeki and is focused on Shin-Chan and his family as they say their goodbyes to Kasukabe City and move to Mexico.
TOHO also streamed a short trailer:
Crayon Shin-chan Movie 23: Ora no Hikkoshi Monogatari – Saboten Daisuugeki will premiere in theaters on April 18.
Crayon Shin-chan (also known as Shin Chan in some countries), is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoshito Usui. It follows the adventures of the five-year-old Shinnosuke “Shin” Nohara and his parents, baby sister, dog, neighbours, and friends and is set in Kasukabe, Saitama Prefecture. An anime adaptation of the series began airing on TV Asahi in 1992, and continues to this day.
Crayon Shin-chan synopsis from MAL:
Crayon Shin-chan follows the wacky antics and adventures of five-year-old Shinnosuke “Shin” Nohara and his parents, neighbors, and friends and is set in Kasukabe, Saitama Prefecture, Japan.
Many of the jokes in the series stem from Shin-chan’s occasionally weird, unnatural and inappropriate use of language, as well as from his inappropriate behavior. A typical gag involves Shin-chan confounding his parents by using the wrong phrase for the occasion; for example, saying “Welcome back!” instead of “I am back!” when he comes home.
During the beginning of the series, the TV show was mostly based on the storyline in the original manga. As the show progressed, more and more episodes became anime-original.
Source: Shin Chan Official Website, ANN