Earlier today the upcoming new Dragon Ball Z movie was teased on Mezamashi TV in Japan and revealed some of the scenes from the movie. We get to see Goku transforming to a Super Saiyan and Shenron, the God Dragon.
A flyer was distributed around Japan promoting the recently announced 2015 Dragon Ball Z Movie. The flyer revealed that the upcoming Spring 2015 film will directed by Tadayoshi Yamamuro. Additionally, the film’s website has just opened with new visuals for the movie.
The flyer has revealed the director of the upcoming film who will be Tadayoshi Yamamuro. Yamamuro is the Animation Director of various Dragon Ball Z films, including the 2012 film Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods. The 2015 film will be his debut directing role.
The website for the film has opened with the tagline “The worst wish in history. That is the beginning of despair”, and released two new visuals. The first is seen above with Goku, that was on the flyer and film’s announcement. The second visual is of Shenron:
The recently announced 2015 Dragon Ball Z movie will be the 15th installment in a prodigious series of films. The film will feature concept, screenplay and character design courtesy of the franchise creator himself, Akira Toriyama.
Toriyama confirms that this latest installment be an original story, like its predecessor Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami. In addition to carefully drawing the art for the movie, Toriyama is “fussing over the smallest dialogue lines.” He teases that the story is still a secret, but will be “utterly funny.”
Emphasizing the effort he has put into this new film, Toriyama said that even his first editor – although usually taciturn – praised him for the work he has done. Toriyama is confident that fans will be able to thoroughly enjoy the movie. He is currently drawing up new character designs, and asks his fans to look forward to the movie.
The new upcoming Dragon Ball Z film will be airing during Golden Week next year in the Spring 2015 season. More information on the film will release in the upcoming months.
You can visit the film’s website here: http://www.d2015gw.com/
Source: @hyorei6877’s twitter.