Figure Review: Queen of Elf – Ori x Gathering


We’re back once again with our partner figure site to review one of their amazing anime figures. And what a great addition to the family is this completely original character from E2046! Here is Queen of Elf, leader of the Light Elves.

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As you can see from the front, she has a wonderful detailed elegant dress which is covered in rubies along with emeralds. You may also notice the shining sapphire on her beautifully crafted necklace as well as the diamonds/ruby in her crown. She also has deer-like horns which emit an awesome chrome effect.

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While her golden sleeves looks delicate yet powerful with bulky shoulder sleeve form while you will also notice the soft frills on her lower sleeves softly covering her wrists. Her dress reminds of a ball gown with a large petticoat while its laced with gold trimmings all over the dress’ underlinings, which just makes it even more beautiful. Just look at the details of the shoulder, you can tell a lot of thought went into the cast of this figure.

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From the front she seems to be taking a pose that looks like she’s having pity on someone or looking down on them. You can tell something serious is about to go down. While her shoes shows the same designs as her dress with matching gold trimmings and her gold tights accentuates her legs that would direct you to a bit of peek of her deadly thighs. You may also notice the staff, but there is no detail as of yet to if she can cast magic or not. I must say the detail on the staff is quite something.

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From behind you can see her fluffy yet frilly skirt in action. Quite a lot of detail has gone into the skirt if you look closely.

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The figure is 30cm in height and weighs 2.00kg. Her Majesty is currently 25% off its original price if you pre-order (GK Version) it on E2046‘s site!