A new visual for the TV anime adaptation of Ruruu Minase’s four-panel comedy manga Ooyasan wa Shishunki! (Landlord is in Puberty!) series has been featured as a poster in the April 2016 issue of Megami. You can purchase this issue here (get 5% off with coupon code MOE-N3Y-4YW0QK) and you can view the other posters included in this issue here.
The series was also recently featured as a double page spread in the March 2016 issue of Dengeki G‘s Magazine. You can purchase this issue here (get 5% off with coupon code MOE-N3Y-4YW0QK).
Ooyasan wa Shishunki! (Landlord is in Puberty!) is a comedy slice of life manga written and illustrated by Ruruu Minase. The series began in 2012 as part of Houbunsha’s Manga Time Family magazine, where to date a total of 4 volumes have been published.
Ooyasan wa Shishunki! synopsis from Haruhichan:
The story follows a boy who has gained an independent life. After moving into his rented apartment, he meets his landlord. The landlord has the physique of a little girl, and she does the cooking and housework while attending middle school with her friends.
You can visit the anime’s website here: http://ooyasan-anime.com/
And follow their Twitter: @ooyasan_anime