Hibiki Sakata and Machi Amayadori from the anime adaptation of Masume Yoshimoto’s Kuma Miko manga series has been featured as a poster in the July 2016 issue of Megami. This issue can be purchased here (get 5% off with coupon code MOE-N3Y-4YW0QK) and you can view the other posters that come bundled in this issue here.
Natsu Kumai and Machi Amayador has also been featured as a poster in the June 2016 issue of NyanType. This issue can be purchased here (get 5% off with coupon code MOE-N3Y-4YW0QK) and you can view the other posters from this issue here.
In addition to this, she has also been featured as a poster in the June 2016 issue of Megami. This issue can be purchased here (get 5% off with coupon code MOE-N3Y-4YW0QK) and you can view the other posters that come bundled in this issue here.
Kuma Miko: Girl Meets Bear is a Japanese manga series by Masume Yoshimoto, serialized in Media Factory’s seinen manga magazine Monthly Comic Flapper since May 2013. It has been collected in six tankobon volumes and is also available on Media Factory’s ComicWalker web comic service. An anime television series adaptation by Kinema Citrus and EMT Squared is scheduled to air from April 3, 2016.
Kuma Miko: Girl Meets Bear synopsis from Haruhichan:
The manga follows Machi, a middle school student who serves as a shrine maiden at a Shinto shrine and takes care of a bear, who lives on mountain in Japan’s northern Tohoku region. The bear, Natsu, has the ability to talk and is Machi’s guardian. When Machi explains to Natsu that she will attend a school in the city, he gives Machi a set of trials that she must pass in order to be able to survive city life.