Niconico Users Pick Their Most Anticipated Anime of Winter 2016


Japanese streaming site niconico asked its users to pick out what anime series they believed is the most promising from the winter 2016 anime lineup?

84.1% of respondents were male while the remaining 15.8% were female. The majority of participants were in their 30s (28.4%), followed by 20s (33.2%), 40s (27%), and then teenagers (11.2%).

10) Hai to Gensou no GrimgarHai-to-Gensou-no-Grimgar-Anime-Visual
9) Dimension WDimension-W-Anime-Visual-03
8) Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasushoujo-tachi wa kouya wo mezasu anime visual
7) Bubuki BurankiNew Bubuki Buranki Visual Revealed in Japanese Magazine
6) Ao no Kanata no Four RhythmAo-no-Kanata-no-Four-Rhythm-Anime-Visual
5) Musaigen no Phantom WorldWelcome the New Day with the Musaigen no Phantom World Girls
4) Dagashi KashiDagashi Kashi Anime Key Visual and Slated for January 7
3) Shouwa Genroku Rakugo ShinjuuShouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu anime
2) AjinAjin tv anime key visual
1) Boku dake ga Inai MachiNew Boku dake ga Inai Machi Anime Key Visual