Nisekoi X Monogatari Announced as Nisekoimonogatari


Shaft have just announced that there will be a collaboration anime between their Nisekoi and Monogatari adaptations into a new project titled Nisekoimonogatari. The official site of the new anime has also opened with two new visuals and a promotional video.


The site also has another visual of the anime:


And here is the first PV for Nisekoimonogatari:

The new anime itself will star Hitagi Senjougahara and Tsubasa Hanekawa from Monogatari with Chitoge Kirisaki and Kosaki Onodera from Nisekoi. Some additional screenshots were also revealed:

Screenshots from the PV for Nisekoimonogatari:

Nisekoimonogatari Chitoge Kirisaki as Hitagi Senjougahara Nisekoimonogatari Hitagi Senjougahara as Chitoge Kirisaki Nisekoimonogatari Kosaki Onodera as Tsubasa Hanekawa Nisekoimonogatari Tsubasa Hanekawa as Kosaki Onodera

Not much is currently known about the new crossover anime, more information will not be revealed soon.

You can visit the Nisekoimonogatari website here:

Source  – Nisekoimonogatari Website