The official website for the anime adaptation of ONE and Yuusuke Murata’s One Punch-Man manga has revealed that the fourth volume is set to be released in Japan on March 25th with episodes seven and eight, commentary on the latter by Makoto Furukawa’s Saitama, Yuki Kaji’s Sonic and Masaya Onosaka’s Pri-Pri-Prisoner, mini-audio drama with Furukawa and Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask’s Mamoru Miyano, Miyano on character song “Beautiful Hero” and OVA 4 “Bang, Who is Too Overbearing,” written by series creator ONE.
Here’s the promotional video:
The official website for the anime adaptation of ONE and Yuusuke Murata’s One Punch-Man manga has revealed that the third volume will ship on February 24th with episodes 5 and 6, commentary by Saitama’s Makoto Furukawa, Genos’ Kaito Ishikawa, and Sonic’s Yuki Kaji, a CD featuring the three in “Fastest, Strong Ninja Emakimono Gaiden” and Yuki Kaji singing a traditional Ondo song as Sonic, plus a Kojire-sugiru Ninja (The Ninja Who is Too Complicated) OVA in which Sonic escapes into the mountains for training to forget the nightmare of his defeat (and the strike to his groin).
The first promotional video for the 3rd OVA has been streamed:
In addition to this, here’s the first two minutes from the project’s first OVA episode, as well as the first minute from the second OVA episode.
The first 12-minute OVA, titled “Shinobiyori Sugiru Kage” (A Shadow That Snuck Up Too Close), features a completely original story written by the manga’s original author ONE. The OVA takes place after Saitama’s fight with Mosquito Girl, and it follows Genos as he is persistently and suspiciously prowling after Saitama trying to find out the secret of his strength. Additionally, a mysterious person appears who has a “certain reason” to hold a grudge against Saitama. The OVA will be included on the television anime’s first Blu-ray Disc/DVD volume on December 24.
The second 11-minute OVA, titled “Hanashibeta-sugiru Deshi” (The Pupil Who Is an Extremely Poor Talker), also features a completely original story written by the manga’s original author ONE. In this episode, Genos deals with Don Pacino’s Mafia gang, even as he goes bargain-shopping for Saitama. This episode will be included on the television anime’s second Blu-ray Disc/DVD volume on January 29.
There will be a total of 6 OVAs for the One Punch-Man anime that will be bundled with each volume, each lasting approximately 10 minutes. All the OVAs feature original stories written by ONE himself. The 6 OVAs are:
- Shinobiyori Sugiru Kage (A Shadow That Snuck Up Too Close)
- Hanashibeta-sugiru Deishi (The Pupil Who Is an Extremely Poor Talker)
- Kojire-sugiru Ninja (The Ninja Who is Too Complicated)
- Gouin-sugiru Bang (Bang, Who is Too Overbearing)
- Iroiro Ari-sugiru Kyoudai (The Sisters Who Have Too Many Things Happening)
- Fukanou-sugiru Satsujin Jiken (The Murder Case that is Too Impossible)
The anime’s website has revealed that the volumes will contain English subtitles alongside Japanese audio. The first volume released on December 24, and the second volume will release on January 26 with:
- Episodes 3 and 4
- The second OVA
- Two episodes of the spin-off anime One-Punch Man Hamidashi Gekijou (One-Punch Man Forced Out Theater)
- A Character Song CD
- Commentary for episode 3
The third volume will release on February 24 with:
- Episodes 5 and 6
- The third OVA
- Two episodes of the spin-off anime One-Punch Man Hamidashi Gekijou (One-Punch Man Forced Out Theater)
- A Character Song CD
- Commentary by Saitama’s Makoto Furukawa, Genos’ Kaito Ishikawa, and Sonic’s Yuki Kaji
The fourth volume will release on March 25 with:
- Episodes 7 and 8
- The fourth OVA
- Two episodes of the spin-off anime One-Punch Man Hamidashi Gekijou (One-Punch Man Forced Out Theater)
- A Character Song CD
- Commentary by Saitama’s Makoto Furukawa, Genos’ Kaito Ishikawa, and Masaya Onosaka’s Pri-Pri-Prisoner
In addition to this, Saitama and Tatsumaki from the anime adaptation of ONE and Yuusuke Murata’s One Punch-Manmanga has been featured as a poster illustrated by Hiromi Taniguchi in the January 2015 issue of Animage. You can purchase issue here (get 5% off with coupon code MOE-N3Y-4YW0QK).
Saitama and Genos have been featured in the December 2015 issue of Animedia as a poster. This issue of Animedia can be purchased here and you can view the other posters that came in this issue here.
In addition to this, two new visuals have been revealed for the anime adaptation of ONE and Yuusuke Murata’s One Punch-Man manga in the November 2015 issue of Animedia and NewType. The first new visual features both Saitama and Genos:
While the other visual in the Animedia November 2015 issue features only Saitama:
One Punch-Man is an action, comedy, parody manga written by ONE and illustrated by Yuusuke Murata. The series began in 2009 as a free online web comic written by ONE, before being picked up by Shueisha and being featured in their Young Jump magazine publication in mid 2012, with Murata illustrating. To date, a total of 7 compiled volumes have been released with the 8th volume releasing on April 3rd. The series has become a phenomenon in Japan, selling over 4.5 million copies as of November last year, doubling its sales in one year.
One Punch Man synopsis from Haruhichan:
In this new action-comedy, everything about a young man named Saitama screams “AVERAGE,” from his lifeless expression, to his bald head, to his unimpressive physique. However, this average-looking fellow doesn’t have your average problem… He’s actually a superhero that’s looking for tough opponents! The problem is, every time he finds a promising candidate he beats the snot out of them in one punch. Can Saitama finally find an evil villain strong enough to challenge him? Follow Saitama through his hilarious romps as he searches for new bad guys to challenge!
Source: One Punch Man official website