The official website for the anime adaptation of ONE and Yuusuke Murata’s One Punch-Man manga began streaming the first two minutes from the project’s first OVA episode, as well as the first minute from the second OVA episode, on Sunday.
The first 12-minute OVA, titled “Shinobiyori Sugiru Kage” (A Shadow That Snuck Up Too Close), features a completely original story written by the manga’s original author ONE. The OVA takes place after Saitama’s fight with Mosquito Girl, and it follows Genos as he is persistently and suspiciously prowling after Saitama trying to find out the secret of his strength. Additionally, a mysterious person appears who has a “certain reason” to hold a grudge against Saitama. The OVA will be included on the television anime’s first Blu-ray Disc/DVD volume on December 24.
The second 11-minute OVA, titled “Hanashibeta-sugiru Deshi” (The Pupil Who Is an Extremely Poor Talker), also features a completely original story written by the manga’s original author ONE. In this episode, Genos deals with Don Pacino’s Mafia gang, even as he goes bargain-shopping for Saitama. This episode will be included on the television anime’s second Blu-ray Disc/DVD volume on January 29.
In addition to this, Saitama and Tatsumaki from the anime adaptation of ONE and Yuusuke Murata’s One Punch-Manmanga has been featured as a poster illustrated by Hiromi Taniguchi in the January 2015 issue of Animage. You can purchase issue here (get 5% off with coupon code MOE-N3Y-4YW0QK).
Saitama and Genos have been featured in the December 2015 issue of Animedia as a poster. This issue of Animedia can be purchased here and you can view the other posters that came in this issue here.
In addition to this, two new visuals have been revealed for the anime adaptation of ONE and Yuusuke Murata’s One Punch-Man manga in the November 2015 issue of Animedia and NewType. The first new visual features both Saitama and Genos:
While the other visual in the Animedia November 2015 issue features only Saitama:
Source: One Punch Man official website, ANN