“What Do You Say When a Friend Critisizes an Anime You like?” Japanese Twitter Users Respond


We all know the big no-no’s and sensitive topics like politics and religion, but in the anime loving community another seriously dangerous topic is voicing your dislike for an anime your friend enjoys. It’s even worse if it’s their favorite anime.

Of course no one agrees on everything, and we all have different opinions. Typically we’re able to look past these disagreements and accept that everyone is different.

We’ve all gotten heated one time or another to defend what we believe to be our most cherished anime. Take a look at how these Japanese Twitter users respond to the hashtag #TheCorrectWayToDealWithAFriendCritizingAnimeYouLike (#好きなアニメを友達に批判されたときの正しい対応 ).

Japanese Twitter Users Respond to #TheCorrectWayToDealWithAFriendCritizingAnimeYouLike

  • “Shut up! You Brat!”

Japanese Twitter Users Respond to #TheCorrectWayToDealWithAFriendCritizingAnimeYouLike 2

  • “I don’t care.”

Japanese Twitter Users Respond to #TheCorrectWayToDealWithAFriendCritizingAnimeYouLike 4

  • “The world you seek and the world I seek are different.”

Japanese Twitter Users Respond to #TheCorrectWayToDealWithAFriendCritizingAnimeYouLike 5

  • “Please, choose whichever you prefer.”Japanese Twitter Users Respond to #TheCorrectWayToDealWithAFriendCritizingAnimeYouLike 3Japanese Twitter Users Respond to #TheCorrectWayToDealWithAFriendCritizingAnimeYouLike 7Japanese Twitter Users Respond to #TheCorrectWayToDealWithAFriendCritizingAnimeYouLike 6
  • “I am going to beat your face until it changes shape.”

Japanese Twitter Users Respond to #TheCorrectWayToDealWithAFriendCritizingAnimeYouLike 8

  • “That’s just your opinion.”

Japanese Twitter Users Respond to #TheCorrectWayToDealWithAFriendCritizingAnimeYouLike 9

  • “1. Understand the other person’s position.
    2. Find the good and bad points in each other’s ideas, debate
    them, and understand each other.
    Image subtitle: “And then kill them.”

Japanese Twitter Users Respond to #TheCorrectWayToDealWithAFriendCritizingAnimeYouLike 10

  • “Shut up. You piece of crap.” “Wha–?!”

Japanese Twitter Users Respond to #TheCorrectWayToDealWithAFriendCritizingAnimeYouLike 11

  • “Uh-huh, okay, whatever.”

Japanese Twitter Users Respond to #TheCorrectWayToDealWithAFriendCritizingAnimeYouLike 12

  • “Wherever you are on the planet, I will find and I will punish you.”

Japanese Twitter Users Respond to #TheCorrectWayToDealWithAFriendCritizingAnimeYouLike 13

  • “I’ll skip the details and get right to the point. You are gonna die.”

Japanese Twitter Users Respond to #TheCorrectWayToDealWithAFriendCritizingAnimeYouLike 14

Or you could just kick the mascot.

How do you deal with a friend disliking a favorite anime of yours? What do you tell them?

Source: Rocket News 24