Kyoto Animation has started streaming the second commercial for the second part of the upcoming anime film adaptations of Nagomu Torii and Tomoyo Kamoi’s Kyoukai no Kanata (Beyond the Boundary) light novel series, Kyoukai no Kanata -I’ll Be Here- Mirai-hen (The Future). This new commercial teases the first footage of Mirai-hen, the second part of the Kyoukai no Kanata -I’ll Be Here- project that is set one year after the events of the anime. The first film, Kako-hen (The Past), will be a compilation film of the tv anime series. The main cast will return in both films with Risa Taneda (Aya Komichi in Kiniro Mosaic) as Mirai Kuriyama and KENN (Hibito Nanba from Uchuu Kyoudai) as Akihito Kanbara leading the cast.
The two Kyoukai no Kanata -I’ll Be Here- films will be releasing in Japanese theatres this Spring. The first film, Kyoukai no Kanata -I’ll Be Here – Kako-hen, is a compilation film releasing on March 14th, and the second is a brand new film set after the series, Kyoukai no Kanata -I’ll Be Here – Mirai-hen, releasing on April 25.
Here is the first CM:
Here is the latest trailer for the film:
Here is the latest visual for the films:
Here is a synopsis of the anime from Haruhichan:
The dark fantasy follows a high school sophomore named Akihito Kanbara. Although the boy appears human, he is half youmu and invulnerable to wounds because he can heal quickly. One day, Akihito meets freshman Mirai Kuriyama when it seems she is about to jump from the school rooftop. Mirai is isolated because of her ability to manipulate blood, which is unique even among members of the spirit world. Disturbing events begin to unfold after Akihito saves Mirai.
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