A brand new visual has been released for for the upcoming anime adaptation of Sui Ishida’s manga Tokyo Ghoul. The series will be produced by Studio Pierrot (Naruto Shippuden, Bleach) and will be directed by Shuhei Morita (Kakurenbo). The cast features Natsuki Hanae (Hikari Sakishima in Nagi no Asukara) as Ken Kaneki, Sora Amamiya (Liliana from Log Horizon) as Touka Kirishima and Kana Hanazawa (Ruri Gokou from Oreimo). The series will air this July 4.
Tokyo Ghoul CM:
Tokyo Ghoul synopsis from Haruhichan.
The suspense horror/dark fantasy story is set in Tokyo, which is haunted by mysterious “ghouls” who are devouring humans. People are gripped by the fear of these ghouls whose identities are masked in mystery. An ordinary college student named Kaneki encounters Rize, a girl who is an avid reader like him, at the café he frequents. Little does he realize that his fate will change overnight.
Source: moca-news