Winter Anime 2013/2014 Chart V1.0


The season of Fall, or Autumn, is just around the corner trying to have us do all the raking. While we are slowly anticipating the new season, its always good to look further ahead and what we have is Winter. Zana from Neregate has released the first anime chart for Winter 2013/2014.

Version 1.0 is available for viewing but it is rather lacklustre since we are still months away from Winter. Since we are so far away the information presented in the chart, the number, additions and removals of anime, may not be final and can change as we approach the end of the year. So don’t get too angry when Moe Anime #563 is delayed by 2 days and doesn’t contain actual moe.

For the chart we have and the information we know so far, here are some anime to keep an look out for:

You can click the image for the full resolution:


Source Image – neregate