With last year marking the 15th anniversary of Digimon and a brand new TV anime of the series titled Digimon Adventure Tri. slated for spring 2015, Digimon gets its own reissued Digivices and “GEM” series of high-quality figures courtesy of Premium Bandai.
Both figures are 75mm (3 inches) in height and so far the figure series includes:
Mimi Tachikawa with Palmon which comes with replacement parts so you can change her facial expressions and substitute her hat for a ponytail:
While Koushirou Izumi with Tentomon comes with alternate facial expressions:
Each figure costs 5,832 yen (about $49.7) or they can be bought together for a discounted price of 11,016 yen ($94). Preorders opened on Tuesday and the figures are expected to ship in June.
Source: Anime! Anime!, Bandai