Digimon Adventure’s Koushirou Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa Gets GEM Series Figures


With last year marking the 15th anniversary of Digimon and a brand new TV anime of the series titled Digimon Adventure Tri. slated for spring 2015Digimon gets its own reissued Digivices and “GEM” series of high-quality figures courtesy of Premium Bandai.

Both figures are 75mm (3 inches) in height and so far the figure series includes:

Mimi Tachikawa with Palmon which comes with replacement parts so you can change her facial expressions and substitute her hat for a ponytail:

Digimon Adventure's Koushirou Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa Gets GEM Figures haruhichan.com Digimon Digital Monsters 15 Digimon Adventure's Koushirou Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa Gets GEM Figures haruhichan.com Digimon Digital Monsters 14 Digimon Adventure's Koushirou Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa Gets GEM Figures haruhichan.com Digimon Digital Monsters 13 Digimon Adventure's Koushirou Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa Gets GEM Figures haruhichan.com Digimon Digital Monsters 12 Digimon Adventure's Koushirou Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa Gets GEM Figures haruhichan.com Digimon Digital Monsters 11 Digimon Adventure's Koushirou Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa Gets GEM Figures haruhichan.com Digimon Digital Monsters 10 Digimon Adventure's Koushirou Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa Gets GEM Figures haruhichan.com Digimon Digital Monsters 09

While Koushirou Izumi with Tentomon comes with alternate facial expressions:

Digimon Adventure's Koushirou Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa Gets GEM Figures haruhichan.com Digimon Digital Monsters 08 Digimon Adventure's Koushirou Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa Gets GEM Figures haruhichan.com Digimon Digital Monsters 01 Digimon Adventure's Koushirou Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa Gets GEM Figures haruhichan.com Digimon Digital Monsters 02 Digimon Adventure's Koushirou Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa Gets GEM Figures haruhichan.com Digimon Digital Monsters 03 Digimon Adventure's Koushirou Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa Gets GEM Figures haruhichan.com Digimon Digital Monsters 04 Digimon Adventure's Koushirou Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa Gets GEM Figures haruhichan.com Digimon Digital Monsters 05 Digimon Adventure's Koushirou Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa Gets GEM Figures haruhichan.com Digimon Digital Monsters 06 Digimon Adventure's Koushirou Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa Gets GEM Figures haruhichan.com Digimon Digital Monsters 07

Each figure costs 5,832 yen (about $49.7) or they can be bought together for a discounted price of 11,016 yen ($94). Preorders opened on Tuesday and the figures are expected to ship in June.

Digimon Adventure's Koushirou Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa Gets GEM Figures haruhichan.com Digimon Digital Monsters  figure

Source: Anime! Anime!, Bandai