K-On! VIASO Cards Announced in Celebration of 5th Anniversary


With this year celebrating the 5th Anniversary of Kakifly’s popular music / Slice of Life anime adaptation K-ON!, the series have teamed up with Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS to bring you two new VIASO cards which are powered by Master Card.

The first cards design features all five Sakuragaoka High School students of the Ho-kago Tea Time (HTT), Tsumugi Kotobuki, Azusa Nakano, Yui Hirasawa, Mio Akiyama and Ritsu Tainaka inside their club room posing for a picture.

K-On! VISAO Cards Announced in Celebration of 5th Anniversary Haruhichan.com Keion cards 1

The second card displays the anime band’s musical instruments with Tsumugi Kotobuki’s keyboard, Azusa Nakano’s guitar, Yui Hirasawa’s guitar, Mio Akiyama’s Bass, and Ritsu Tainaka’s drums.

K-On! VISAO Cards Announced in Celebration of 5th Anniversary Haruhichan.com Keion cards 2

Membership recruitment for the VIASO cards will begin today with a target of 5,000 members by the end of the year. VISAO Cards are used to accumulate points for online shopping and more.

Source: SGCafe, Payment Navi