According to Anime News Network, Log Horizon is getting an anime! Never heard of Log Horizon? Neither have I!
Is it an anime about Ragnarok Online?
Apparently my joke isn’t that far off base. Log Horizon is another anime where a whole bunch of Japanese people get stuck inside an MMORPG. Apparently the success of Sword Art Online has made this a popular topic as it’s planned to be 25 episodes long which is longer than most shows get despite having a more popular fanbase.
Then again, 26 episodes of endless eight would have been terrible.
The story of Log Horizon begins with Japanese players playing the game, “Elder Tale”. As opposed to SAO, “Elder Tale” is a long-established and popular online game. However, on the day of in which the 12 expansion pack was introduced, 30,000 Japanese gamers were trapped inside the game world. Our main character, Siloe (or Shiroe), apparently fights in this world with his long time friend, Chokutsugi (or Naotsugu), along with a beautiful assassin named Akatsuki.
Apparently she’s the only character that doesn’t have a name discrepancy.
According to MAL, the novel’s genres are described as Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, and Shounen. Furthermore, the anime adaptation page describes the anime right now as only Adventure. As of this moment, most of us won’t know how the anime will exactly pan out. However, it’s probably safe to say with the anime netting 25 episodes, we should see a lot of the same themes as we see in the novels. Hopefully there won’t be as many pacing problems with Log Horizon as there were with SAO due to them covering SAO and ALF.
A dozen of these episodes should have covered just Sachi.
In short, I can’t wait to see what kind of anime Log Horizon is going to be. Will it just be seen as an anime that’s trying to cash in on SAO’s success or will it be able to stand on it’s own feet and be hailed as AOTY. Only time will tell and I hope you all will give it a chance.