Top Ten Pixiv Artworks of the Week #2 – Naruto Edition


It is time for another of our weekly Top Ten Pixiv Artworks of the Week, but this time it will be slightly different. This week Pixiv has been blanketed in one theme, Naruto. With the conclusion to Masashi Kishimoto’s 15th year long manga on the 10th, having a special Naruto edition of the top ten is very fitting. For 15 years the series itself has defined a new generation of anime and manga fans, not just in Japan but around the world.

Whether it was waking up early in the morning to watch a small bunch of untrained ninjas take on intense training and exams, or going to the library/internet for the latest manga volume, there is without a doubt that Naruto has inspired countless fans.

So here are the top 10 Naruto Pixiv artworks of the week:

Note: There are spoilers for the entirety of the Naruto manga


10. NARUTO完結 (The End of Naruto)


Artist: えんぎよしC87月曜A25b

After 15 long years it’s over. We start off this top ten with the end of Naruto, specially its happy ending. Naruto has his dream come true as he has become the 7th Hokage of Konoha and even has a son, Bolt Uzumaki. While Naruto is busy with his new role and responsibilities, Bolt even begins to act like when Naruto was a child, being a mischief to get attention. 

9. さらば青春 (Farewell Youth)


Artist: 黒雷

The title of this artwork has two meanings: saying goodbye to Naruto and Hinata’s youth as they start spending time together, and saying goodbye to the 15 years spent growing up alongside them. This piece has a nice innocent feeling and also reminds us that it isn’t over yet, with the Naruto Shippuuden Movie 7 “The Last” movie releasing in a few weeks.




Since its beginnings in 1999, many fans have grown up alongside the orange ninja and wanted to become like Naruto himself. A trustworthy friend who is willing to do anything to protect those he cherished. This artwork solidifies that even if Naruto is over, he will forever be with us as he has shaped many of us today. 

7. NARUTO完結紀念!(Commemoration of Naruto’s End)


Artist: wusagi

This next image is this nice bright piece between Naruto and Hinata, who can both finally share a nice happy relationship. It has been a long time coming with these two, throughout the entire series we have seen Hinata being the shy girl but she has matured. Whether or not this is the right pairing, I will not comment.

6. NARUTO最終回記念 (Naruto’s Final Anniversary)


Artist: みか

For 15 years we have seen all the turmoil, the struggle, the battles and the friendship that Naruto and his friends endured throughout the series. Of course everything that Naruto feels so do we. This wonderful art sums up all of Naruto nicely. Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke together once again looking into the sky ready for a new adventure, and of course a nice big thank you to Kishimoto.

5. 完結おめでとう!そしてありがとう! (One Last Congratulations! And Thank You!)


Artist: もさ

Rounding up the top half of our top ten this week is great art that shows something that could’ve been. What if Sasuke came back to the village? Since his departure, Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were really never together until their recent fight against Madara. Maybe just one more mission as a team.

 4. 幸せ③ -家に帰って (Happy 3 – Time to go Home)


Artist: HaneRu

From something in the past to something in the future, our #4 post is about Naruto and his new duties. Naruto and Hinata, with their children Bolt and Himawari. A nice evening family day out collecting flowers for Himawari, which means Sunflower, and Bolt going around catching bugs. 



Artist: ErkeLee

And now out third best image has something different. How can we talk about the hero without mentioning his mentor. Jiraiya was a great legendary ninja and an even better teacher. This gallant, gutsy ninja shares many similarities with his student, they are both very carefree, but when the time comes they both drop everything to protect their friends and the village. And here in this beautiful image, is everything that define him. Sitting in an autumn village, by a statute of a toad and writing his next book.

2. この十五年間 ありがとうよ (Thank you for the 15 years)

Top-Ten-Pixiv-Artworks-of-the-Week-#2-Naruto-Edition_Haruhichan.com_#2_この十五年間 ありがとうよ_阪本製薬

Artist: 阪本製薬

#2 this week is this long image that showcases all the faces of Naruto. All his challenges, fights and victories over the 15 long years. It wasn’t all fun and games throughout the series, but Naruto has always managed to smile in the end. This is what defines Naruto as a person.

1. ある英雄の物語 (The Story of a Hero)


Artist: みずと▼

And our #1 artwork for this Naruto edition top ten is this adorable piece of Hinata reading a book to Bolt and Himawari about their father. This book recounts all the major events throughout his life. The beginning of being alone and ostracised. Joining team 7 and meeting his first ever friends, Sakura and Sasuke, and his teacher Kakashi. Taking their first mission together. Protecting the village and making a new friend from another village. Seeing his best friend leave. Vowing that he will make his friend return. Finding out about the death of his mentor. Saving the village and becoming a hero. Finding out that his best friend is now a criminal. Turning the side of a world war. Reuniting with his friends to take on the greatest foe and saving the world. Getting the final confession from his friend. Marrying Hinata, and finally becoming the hokage.Naruto throughout his life has established bonds with his friends. He has made countless new friends with his will alone. He has known love, pain and hatred, but he never gave up. He walked up a very steep hill to reach the top, to be loved as a hero by everyone. And to be loved by his closest friends. This is the story of your father and my most cherished love story.

This is the story of a hero, the Tale of Naruto Uzumaki.

And that is our Naruto edition top ten Pixiv artworks of the week dattebayo! Which piece was your favourite?

We will have our usual Top ten of the week for week #2 coming up soon.