With the 15 anniversary of the original Digimon Adventure anime, and with the new upcoming sequel anime Digimon Adventure tri. airing this Spring, Toei Animation (Dragon Ball Z, One Piece) will be releasing a special Blu-ray boxset of the first anime series in remastered High Definition. The first episode of the Blu-ray anime was actually shown on Japanese TV last month to showcase the new and improved visuals. But just how much has the remaster improved on the anime?
Youtube user Akiyoshimon has compiled a comparison video between the Opening sequence of the original anime and the new HD release side by side, with the original Japanese OP, Butter-Fly by Kouji Wada. The original is on the left and the Blu-ray release is on the right.
All copies of the Blu-ray will also include the following bonuses: a special designed transparent disc sleeve and Mikatase clear case, 2 special designed Blu-ray disc cases, and a picture label. There will also be an updated booklet combining the 2 booklets that were released in the 2007 and 2012 DVD boxsets; one titled Memories Of Our Digimon Adventure and the other titled Summer Adventure Vacation Diary. The boxset will also feature uncredited versions of the opening and commercials of the anime.
In addition to the full 1080i remaster of the anime, there will also be a brand new special 40 minute Drama CD, along with two previously released Drama CDs: Before the World Ends and the second part of Digimon Mystery File: Solving of the Thousand Year Seal. These three Drama CDs, written by the main staff of the anime and voiced by the main cast, will be available for early limited editions of the Blu-ray boxset.
Digimon (Digital Monsters in Japan) is a large multimedia franchise that was based on Bandai’s Digivice products, which first released in 1997. The toys were based on Tamagotchis, which were also produced by Bandai. The toys were seen as more female orientated products, so Bandai created a new line of products for a male equivalent. .The first anime adaptation, Digimon Adventure, was produced in 1999 by Toei Animation. A film and TV anime were released alongside each other in 1999, the movie being a 20 minute anime produced by Mamoru Hosoda (Wolf Children, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time). Since then there has been numerous anime series, toys, figures, manga, video games and trading card games in the franchise. And this year, will mark the 15th anniversary of Digimon Adventure.
The Digimon Adventure Blu-ray boxset will be releasing in Japan on March 3rd and will currently costs ¥43,427 (~ $366.00 USD) on Amazon Japan.
You can visit the Digimon Adventure anime website here: http://digimon-adventure.net/
And follow the series on Twitter: @Digi_advntr15th
Source – Akiyoshimon