Twitch Will Host a Smash Bros. Tournament at PAX South 2016


With an outstanding grand finals set at Genesis 3 between two of the most revered players in its prodigious community, Joseph “Mang0” Marquez and Adam “Armada” Lindgren, Super Smash Bros., as a whole, made a statement that 2016 is going to be explosive. Over 3,000 people registered for the glorious chance to take the throne from the seemingly unstoppable Armada and Chilean player Gonzalo “ZeRo” Barrios, a remarkable achievement that makes Genesis 3 one of the largest tournaments to date for Nintendo’s smash hit franchise.

Hot on the heels of an exhausting, though rewarding, tournament comes the announcement that Twitch will be hosting a Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U event at PAX South, dubbed the PAX Arena. Previously associated as Smash @ PAX Prime 2015, PAX Arena is expected to take place at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, TX from January 29th to the 31st.

Anyone who has purchased a pass for PAX South will have the opportunity to register for both titles and compete against an array of fierce competition, including such heavyweights as Jason “Mew2King” Zimmerman, Juan “Hungrybox” Debiedma, and even the aforementioned “God of All Time” himself, Mang0. Commentators such as D’Ron “D1” Maingrette – notable for his catchphrase, “DESTRUCTION!” – and Terrence “TKBrezzy” Kershaw will also be commandeering the commentator’s table, along with Phil “EE” Visu and Arian “TheCrimsonBlur” Fathieh.

Do you yearn for not just the pride and glory of besting a roster of legendary Smash players, but also the possibility of running away with some cash from a massive $10,000 prize pool? As long as you’re attending PAX South in San Antonio, Texas, all of that could be yours.

Those who are unable to attend the convention, or perhaps even the event, will be able to tune in at For more information, including a more extensive list of attendees and bracket assignments, check out

Thanks to Beanman25Jr and GRsmash for the videos.