You Can Get Arrested by Officer Rin from Free! Eternal Summer in Japan


The local Animate Yokohama in Japan has a very special feature.

Free! Eternal Summer Rin Matsuoka free! Iwatobi Swim Club 2

A store has a life-sized cutout of Rin Matsuoka from Free!: Eternal Summer in his police uniform, as he was featured in the ending theme of the anime. The store’s cutout lets you get “arrested” by “Officer Rin” by getting yourself tied up with the muscular swimmer in bright red chains. You can get your photo taken as you get “arrested” while being handcuffed to “Officer Rin”. For those who do not know how to get handcuffed, you can ask the staff for help, just make sure you don’t get yourself injured and damage Rin Matsuoka in the process.

Free! Eternal Summer Rin Matsuoka free! Iwatobi Swim Club 2 ending theme

Source: otakomu