During a recent event for the Street Fighter franchise’s latest game Street Fighter V, the organizers recently held a special cosplay contest for Chun-Li cosplayers titled the Miss Chun-Li contest. The competition included a model and gamer, Kayo Satoh, gravure model, Yuka Kuramochi, and actress Mai Hino, but somehow the cosplayer and body builder, Taichi Shimizu won as Zangief.
The contest hadn’t even started yet, but Shimizu was already the crowned winner.
Shimizu was supposed cosplay as Chun-Li, but since he’s a body builder, the rules were bent so they could get the okay for him to appear was as Zangief. Not only is Kayo Satoh is a terrific cosplayer, but she’s also a very talented Street Fighter player.
Some Chun-Li posing.
Mai Hino also performed the Spinning Bird Kick, but since she’s not much of a Street Fighter player, she accidently called it the “Spinning Bird Head.”
You can all understand why Shimizu won, right?
Well, there’s always next year…
You can watch the full Street Fighter V event here:
Source: Kotaku