The official website for the anime adaptation of Gamon Sakurai’s Ajin sci-fi action manga series has revealed that angela and fripSide will collaborate on the opening theme song for the anime’s second season. The new season is scheduled to premiere in October.
In addition to this, a new visual for the second film, Ajin: Shoutotsu, was revealed:
TV anime visual:
Ajin (Ajin: Demi-Human) is a supernatural, horror, mystery manga written and illustrated by Gamon Sakurai. The series first began in 2012 in Kodansha’s good! Afternoon magazine, where to date a total of 7 volumes have been release. An anime film trilogy was announced for the series as well as a TV anime series.
Ajin synopsis from Haruhichan:
Ajin are humans that cannot die. Seventeen years ago, they first appeared on a battlefield in Africa. From then on, more of their kind are discovered within the human society. Their rarity in appearance means that, for experimental purposes, the government will generously reward anyone who captures one. In the present day, for what a certain high school student expects to be a typical summer holiday, his life is about to turn unexpected…
You can visit the anime’s website here:
And follow their Twitter: @anime_ajin
Source: Ajin Anime Website,