Digimon World: Next Order New Character Revealed and She Is Very Adorable


The official website for the upcoming Digimon World: Next Order revealed that the game will allow players to digivolve, battle, and travel alongside their Digimon.

A new trailer was recently revealed:

In addition to this, a new adorable new character by the name of Himari with her cute little Digimon companion, Salamon, was also revealed:

Digimon World New Character

The female protagonist was announced and revealed last month, which you can see her character model in the screenshots below. Takuto, the male protagonist, is also shown, both with their cute Digimon companion running alongside them.

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Below are screenshots from the update from September 4.

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Digimon World: Next Order is due out for PS Vita in Japan in 2016.

Source: RPG Site’s Twitter