The official website of the previously announced TV anime adaptation of Studio Trigger’s Little Witch Academia has launched and began streaming the first promotional video for the upcoming Little Witch Academia TV anime. The new video briefly goes introduces the main premise of the upcoming series, where Atsuko Kagari attends her first year at witch academy. The main cast and staff from the previous specials and film will return for the TV anime. The series will air this upcoming January, during the Winter 2016/2017 anime season.
The main cast includes:
- Megumi Han (Hime Shirayuki from Precure All Stars) will return as Atsuko Kagari
- Fumiko Orikasa (Satsuki Momoi in Kuroko’s Basketball) as Lotte Yanson
- Michiyo Murase (Mogutan from Kamisama Minarai: Himitsu no Cocotama) is voicing Sucy Manbavaran
- Yoko Hikasa (Mio Akiyama from K-ON!) is back to voice Diana Cavendish
- Arisa Shida (Ameno in Naruto: Shippuuden) voices Amanda O’Neill
- Rie Murakawa (Hotaru Ichijou from Non Non Biyori) returns to voice Constanze von Braunschbank Albrechtsberger
The production staff consits of:
- Director and Character Designer: Yoh Yoshinari (Little Witch Academia, Gurren Lagann Parallel Works)
- Series Composer: Michiru Shimada (Little Witch Academia, Little Busters!)
- Animation Studio: Studio Trigger (Kill la Kill, Inferno Cop)
Anime visual:
Here is a synopsis of the anime from MAL:
In her admiration of Shiny Chariot, a famous witch renowned for her unorthodox yet enchanting spells, Kagari Akko, an ordinary girl, joined Witch Academia in the hope of someday becoming as spectacular as Shiny Chariot. She is determined to become a graduate of Witch Academy and make her dream come true despite not being from a lineage with witchcraft and wizardry.
The story takes places when Akko, along with her two best friends, Lotte Yansson and Sucy Manbavaran, take their first lessons to become witches; however, Akko is furious when she finds out that Shiny Chariot is not as popular in the world of the witches as she had thought.
You can visit the anime’s website here:
And follow their Twitter here: @LWA_jp