Toei Animation have provided the original character previews for the upcoming TV anime special One Piece 3D2Y: Ace no shi wo Koete! Luffy Nakama Tono Chika (Overcoming the death of Ace! Luffy, the oath with his party) which will be two hours long and will be aired on Fuji TV’s “Premium Saturday” block on August 30th to commemorate the anime series’ 15th anniversary. The tagline on the key visual says, “I don’t want to lose anyone anymore.”
One Piece 3D2Y Trailer 3:
One Piece 3D2Y Trailer 2:
One Piece 3D2Y trailer 1:
The special also features a new villain named Burndy World (Captain Harlock‘s Yattaran) who is known as “The Destroyer of the World” and has the power of the MoaMoa Fruit. Luffy has to protect Boa Hancock from the new enemy who escaped from the level 6 of Impel Down. He is newly designed by the original creator of the manga, Eiichiro Oda.
Arata Furuta (13 Assassins) joins the crew as this specials villain. His fellow World Pirates include:
Bin Shimada (Dragon Ball‘s Broly) as ByoJack
Mitsuo Iwata (GaoGaiGar‘s Mic Sounders, the new voice of Emporio Ivankov) as Gairam
Shouto Kashii (Gintama‘s Jellybeans Vanguard Honda) as Sebastian
Yuko Mizutani (Digimon‘s Sora, Black Jack‘s Pinoko) as Naichin
Luffy and Boa Hancock’s outfit:
One Piece 3D2Y: Ace no shi wo Koete! Luffy Nakama Tono Chika synopsis from Haruhichan:
This new TV special tells the two years of Luffy’s training with Silvers Rayleigh in Rusukaina Island after the Battle of Marineford, which has never been told in the manga or TV anime. It also features a new villain named Burndy World who is known as “The Destroyer of the World” and has the power of the MoaMoa Fruit (its ability is still unknown). Luffy has to protect Boa Hancock from the new enemy who escaped from the level 6 of Impel Down. He is newly designed by the original creator of the manga, Eiichiro Oda.
Source: Crunchyroll