Shirt Review: Raiden from Boomslank


A few days ago in the mail I received a shirt that was ordered from Boomslank. For those who do not know Boomslank is a website that was created out of the purpose to have an anime brand that was strictly based on original artwork. They are doing what they love and making beautiful art on shirts.

The one I received from their lineup, is the Raiden shirt that they offer. The shirt came in a really cute packaging with an anime girl and boy on the front as well as Boomslank’s logo. Shirt Review Raiden from packaging

The shirt is an extra small, which pleased me even before I had it come in the mail, not many sites offer that size. Everything is usually a Small, Medium or Large. They even offer up to 2XL (XX-Large). Shirt Review Raiden from

The shirt is actually a bit bigger though despite it being an extra small but honestly not an issue, I’d rather a bigger extra small than an extra small that I can not fit in to, nothing grinds my gears more than a shirt I really want and it ends up being too small. Shirt Review Raiden from 1 Shirt Review Raiden from 2

It’s made with 100% cotton and is stitched really well. the over all quality of the shirt and its image are well done and very pleasing and its extremely comfortable. This shirt meets all my shirt standards, Im a bit fan of printed tees.

Also while opening the package a card fell out, on this card is information on how to get 20% off on your next purchase. Just look how cute their mascot is! Shirt Review Raiden from Discount card

There is also a second paper that was in the bag. On this paper it has a picture of the Raiden design that is on my shirt, when you turn it over it contains a little bit of information about the shirt and why this design was chosen. Shirt Review Raiden from Info paper

I found this shirt amazing and one of my favorite items I have ever gotten in a package from an online shop, and its not even that big of an item! It’s just really cute and I find myself wanting to buy their other shirts just to read why they have picked the designs.

Over all though, I’d order from this company again, the package took 9 days to get to me (From USA to Canada), for those who shop online that is honestly no time at all. The site is also really nice and easy to use, they contain a really sweet size chart too using anime characters and this item is one of the few online items I have been 100% happy with. I highly recommend them!

Check the site for other cool designs as they update it periodically with more cool content. Keep yourselves tuned in for more anime-related reviews soon!