It has been revealed, though unofficially, that an anime adaptation of The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan is currently in production. The news was revealed visiting...
There was an announcement earlier in the year that Naoshi Komi's romantic comedy manga, Nisekoi, will be receiving an anime adaptation. The adaptation has...
At the recent Live5pb.2013 event at the Tokyo Dome City Hall this saturday, developer Nitro+ and publisher/developer 5pb. have announce a new game: Chaos;Child....
Meet Inori Aizawa, Microsoft's latest mascot for Internet Explorer.
Sporting a Windows-themed frilly dress, white tights and black gloves, this cutie definitely caught attention when...
Title: Corpse Party: Tortured Souls - Bougyakusareta Tamashii no Jukyou (コープスパーティー Tortured Souls -暴虐された魂の呪叫-)
Genre: Horror
Format: OVA
Episodes: 4
Rating: 7.2/10
One rainy night after a school festival, a group of students...
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