Gokukoku No Brynhildr Anime Opening Theme Song Will Change from Episode 10

From episode 10, Gokukoku no Brynhildr's anime opening theme will change from Nao Tokisawa to the band Fear, and loathing in Las Vegas. Fear, and...

Hanamonogatari Ad Previews Ending Theme by Marina Kawano

The official website for the Monogatari Series: Second Season anime began streaming a television commercial for the upcoming Hanamonogatari (Monogatari Series: Second Season +α)...

Persona 4 The Golden Animation Release Date Announced

The official website of the anime adaptation of the PlayStation Vita game Persona 4 Golden,  has revealed the air date of the anime. Persona 4...

TV vs Blu-Ray – Nisekoi

Nisekoi from studio Shaft, was one of this year's standout shows. While the anime was visually stunning on TV, it would be interesting to see...

NewType – June 2014 Anime Popularity Ranking

Our ranking for today comes from the June 2014 issue of NewType magazine. We’ve taken the time to translate the whole article for your...

Strike Witches Operation Victory Arrow Vol. 1 Release Date Revealed

The official  Strike Witches anime website has revealed the release date of Operation Victory Arrow Vol. 1: St. Trond no Raimei. It is the first of...

Video: Girls und Panzer: Kore ga Hontou no Anzio-sen Desu!

A new promotion video for the upcoming Girls und Panzer: Kore ga Hontou no Anzio-sen Desu! OVA has been uploaded by Bandai Visual. Ahead of...

Theatrical Release Date Of “Shingeki no Kyojin Movie 1: Guren No Yumiya” Is Decided!

The theatrical release date for the first upcoming movie of Shingeki no Kyojin titled "Shingeki no Kyojin Movie 1: Guren No Yumiya/Attack on Titan:...

NewType – June 2014 Posters

We’re back again and this time with NewType's June 2014 issue. This issue contains 2 great posters along with previews, character profiles, articles, manga,...

“Psycho-Pass” 1st Season TV Anime’s “New Edit Version” Air Date Set for 10th of July

The official site for the Psycho-Pass anime project announced earlier today on the 6th of June that the 11-episode "New Edit Version" of the...

Himegoto Cast and New Character Visuals

New visuals were recently released on the official website for the upcoming anime adaption of Himegoto. Himegoto is set to air on the 7th...

NyanType – July 2014 Posters [Contains NSFW Images]

We’re back again and this time with NyanType‘s July 2014 issue. This issue contains a total of 16 great posters along with previews, character...

Megami – July 2014 posters [Contains NSFW images]

We're back again and this time with Megami's July 2014 issue. This issue contains a total of 18 great posters along with previews, character...

Video: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Crystal Anime Trailer

It has been only a month to the debut of the new Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Crystal. Today, a trailer was released to go...

Video: Sword Art Online II – Third TV Commercial

A new video has surfaced for Sword Art Online II. This new video is the third TV commercial for the upcoming Sword Art Online...

Rail Wars! Niconico Anime Live Stream on June 6th + Staff & Character Designs Released!

The official twitter for the Rail Wars! anime has announced there will be a special Niconico live stream event on the 6th of June....

Space Dandy Anime’s 2nd Season Airing July 6, Promo Previews and New Characters

The staff of Space Dandy television anime unveiled a new promotional video and TV commercial for the second season of the anime via a...

Tokyo ESP Visual, Staff & Character Designs Revealed

A new visual was released for the upcoming Tokyo ESP anime series which will air this July, during the summer 2014 anime season. In...

Second Season of Knights of Sidonia Rumoured

Update: The original Tweet was deleted by the user. We have provided a screenshot instead. Update 2: The User of the Tweet has stated that he/she...

New Hanamonogatari Key Visual Released

The official website of Hanamonogatari has released a new key visual for the anime. The series is set after Monogatari Series: Second Season and will 5 episodes...

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