The popular manga related manga Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun comes to life this July with an anime adaption. Several character designs, staff members and ever voice...
The Association of Japanese Animations has released their annual figures for 2013, at the 2014 AnimeJapan event. The figures covers the gross totals that...
Heaps of new images have surfaced online for the latest Fate/stay night promotional video. The upcoming promotional video, the second one, has yet to be...
A new anime is coming this year for the anime Ikkitousen. The announcement was made via the series' official website, and comes with the release of the...
The second season of Ryohgo Narita's Durarara!! has been announced. It was made at the recent Dengeki Game Festival 2014, which was held in Akihabara. This...
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