The official website of the anime adaptation of Tappei Nagatsuki and Shintarou Otsuka’s Re: Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu (Re: Life in a Different World...
Fairy Tail‘s author Hiro Mashima is known for producing sketches for each season, and he's back again with a wonderful sketch of Lucy and Wendy trying...
Republican Nevada Senate candidate, Sharron Angle, shared a campaign flyer that sent her supporters to a very naughty website.
The candidate criticized her opponents in...
Tokyo Ghoul‘s author Sui Ishida is known for posting art on Twitter and he has recently paid tribute to singer Christina Grimmie in his latest sketch.
The second promotional video has been released for the upcoming Love Live! Sunshine!! anime. This new video briefly previews the setting of the upcoming anime...
Warner Brothers Anime began streaming a commercial for the second anime adaptation of Yuuto Tsukuda and Shun Saeki’s Shokugeki no Souma (Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma) manga on Saturday. The...
Charapedia asked 10,000 anime fans the question: Which anime series is the most promising from the summer 2016 anime lineup? And from thousands of fans,...
A new visual for the original anime HaiFuri has been featured as a poster in the July 2016 issue of NyanType. This issue can be purchased here (get 5% off with coupon...
The official website for the upcoming 2016 anime adaptation of Kentarou Miura’s Berserk manga began streaming the first promotional video on Friday. The TV anime will...
The upcoming TV anime adaptation of Shoutarou Tokunou’s New Game! manga series has been featured as a poster in the July 2016 issue of NyanType. This issue can be...
Japanese media website, Goo, asked their users: Which female characters from an anime series is the most handsome and strongest? Here are the results:
10. Yoruichi...
Studio Shaft’s 40th Anniversary MadoGatari art exhibition has recently just ended with a surprise. New figures have been revealed featuring the two girls from Shaft’s two most...
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