Toei Animation, one of the longest-running and most esteemed animation companies in Japan, and RPG game developer Gust are officially teaming up on a...
Fancy yourself a diehard fan of Gen Urobuchi's acclaimed anime series Psycho-Pass? Have you ever wished to personally own an actual, functioning Dominator? Fortunately...
Hashtag Burgers is driving a new burger restaurant, Down N' Out, in the Sydney CBD that serves "Pokeburgers" in addition to their original menu choices....
This sleepy kitty's adorably well-timed meow responses are convincing the world that he understands Japanese.
Who doesn't love cat videos? They give us a taste...
Japanese retailer HMV Anime has revealed that a new OVA of Fujino Oomori and Suzuhito Yasuda’s Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru no Darou ka? (Is...
Japanese mobile phone operator NTT Docomo have revealed the results of its popularity poll for the summer 2016 anime season courtesy of its streaming service dAnime Store. The...
Title (English): Bakuon!!
Title (Japanese): ばくおん!!
Animation Studio: TMS Entertainment
Genres: Comedy, Slice of life
Episodes: 12
When I first saw the title and the concept, I thought I...
A new visual for the upcoming Sword Art Online the Movie: Ordinal Scale anime film has been revealed in the recent issue of Dengeki G’s magazine. The film itself...
During the the recent MF Bunko event, the staff of the publication announced that an anime movie based on Yuu Kamiya’s No Game No Life manga is in production...
Taiwanese anime website Daily View has recently asked their fans the question: Which anime or manga character is the most annoying?
Here are the results:
10. Frieza (Dragon...
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